Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop!?!

Mother Nature has really been dragging my butt down this week.  I haven't ran much this week.  I ran yesterday, and that's it so far.  I swear, I don't think it’s ever going to stop raining here!  I’d like to try running in the rain. But, with the proper rain jacket. And I’ve looked. Can’t find anything that suits me or fits me for that matter. Oh well. One day. One day that will not be a problem!  :)

I wasn't gonna weigh myself this morning. I knew it was too soon. And after eating that big ole steak last night for dinner, I just knew I had not lost a single pound. In fact, I was pretty terrified I had gained weight. But that little voice inside of me said, go weigh yourself, DO IT.   I did. And guess what?! TWENTY POUNDS DOWN! 

Oh my goodness! The last time I had lost 20 lbs was years ago! For real, years ya'll, YEEAAARS!

I am beyond excited! I immediately called the hubs and very nonchalantly said, "Guess what? You're gonna have to buy me a new pair of shoes this weekend."  What, why?  (It took him a minute to remember our conversation about my 20 lb reward). OH! Did you lose the weight?! 

Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!  I can’t tell you how much or often I pray: Lord, please just help me get up, help me find that motivation to go run….  Please help me lose this weight and become healthy…… Please help me make it to that next fence post…..  Please keep me safe on my run.  I pray, and I pray, and I pray.

I did not accomplish this goal alone, and I won’t take credit for it alone.  My hubby has been a great supporter.  My family and friends commenting on my posts and giving me words of encouragement has meant more to me than they’ll ever know.   My friend Robin, who has been my biggest supporter, encourager and pushing me when I needed some pushing! And Jesus has answered my needy little prayers! I am so lucky to have a great, encouraging support system!  

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