Thursday, February 20, 2014

Small Victories

Tonight I got home, just as it was getting dark. I quickly changed and put my running shoes on, grabbed our 4 legged friend and the hubs, and we started walking.  Not in our usual spot. Not around the lake a few blocks from our house. Just down the road. We didn't have time to "go anywhere," to our preferred trails.

But I was DETERMINED to walk tonight. No matter what. We walked probably a quarter of a mile before turning around, due to the impending darkness that was fastly approaching.

Then, something hit me. An urge that I hadn't felt in a long time. I was extremely surprised to feel it. I felt the urge to RUN. And I did just that.

It wasn't far. It wasn't fast. But I ran. And it felt GOOD I tell ya! Darn good! I wanted to quickly give up. But I didn't.  I set my eyes on the stop sign up ahead. I didn't stop until I got past it. It was hard. I was out of breath and the cold, night air hitting my lungs hurt. As I waited for my hubby to catch up, I said to myself,  "You DID IT!" Small victory! 

After my lil run, I had to whip something up for dinner. What I WANTED was some pizza. Something salty.  And I would have traded my arm for a bowl of that Cookies n Cream ice cream I had sitting in the freezer!!   But, instead I went to an old favorite,  my Fiesta Chicken Salad creation.  It was derricious. Fast, easy, and yummy - my kinda recipe! And I did have 2 mini Reeses peanut butter cups. Hey, it was still better in the calories dept over that ice cream. Small victories. Small victories ;)

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